New Air Conditioning Systems Buyers Guide
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Replacing your Central HVAC system in Tampa Bay can be one of the biggest expenses that you face as a home owner. As you work through the decision to replace your residential Air Conditioning system, print this checklist of the top ten factors your should consider.

  1. AC Installation Expertise. Is your Tampa Bay Central Air Conditioning provider staffed with highly trained, qualified professionals? Ask the AC company you are considering how often they train their employees on the newest technologies, systems and ways to improve their customer service.
  2. AC Installation Pricing Guarantees. Is your HVAC company providing you with a written estimate and guaranteeing that they will not exceed that price?
  3. Repair vs. Replace. Has your AC Company thoroughly checked your existing unit and compared the cost of repairing you old Tampa Bay Air Conditioning system with installing a new Central AC system?
  4. SEER. Has your AC company explained what SEER means to you and how installing a higher SEER rated Air Conditioning unit will save you money over the lifetime of the system?
  5. Rebates and Refunds. Has your AC company discussed government rebate programs, TECO rebates and manufacturer rebates that can save your up to $3,000 on the installation of your new AC system in Tampa Bay?
  6. 24 Hour Emergency AC Service. Does your AC company provide 24 hour Emergency Air Conditioning service throughout Tampa Bay?
  7. Financing. Does your Air Conditioning company offer financing of your new Tampa Bay HVAC system?
  8. Tune Ups and Ongoing Maintenance. Does your AC provider offer an ongoing Tune Up and Maintenance program that guarantees to keep your new unit in peak operating condition?
  9. Premier Manufacturers. Is your Tampa Bay AC company an authorized dealer of the leading HVAC system manufacturers?
  10. Freon Phase Out. Has your AC company explained how Freon will be unavailable after 2010 and discussed how that will affect your new AC system?

After you ask your Central Air Conditioning Company these ten questions, call Easy AC at any of the phone numbers below.

At Easy AC, the answer to every one of the previous questions will be “Yes!”

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